These are my personal top 5 beauty discoveries in 2018. I have to admit, I'm more of a skincare girl, so I'm no makeup guru. I will eschew having a makeup artist do my makeup for a wedding because I know what works for me and what works on me on camera (thanks to all the on-set makeup artists who have answered my many questions while sitting in their chair), but I won't be doing any true artiste looks any time soon.

Seriously, what normal person would not gawk at spending $20 on one of these things. I decided to give it a go this year and now I get it. These things are pretty damn good at giving you a natural, skin-like finish. You just have to keep on top of washing them after use, so I wouldn't recommend it for the lazy. I'm sometimes too lazy to even walk to the washroom to put it under water... (what? Fingers work just fine in a rush.) But what really got me was the SAPPHIRE blender. I like it a lot more than the pink one. Idk what they did...but it's not the same as the original. It's BETTER.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, every super model raves about just tapping some of this stuff on their cheekbones when they're off-duty. For me I thought that it would be greasy or tacky because of the coconut oil base and too expensive. Seriously, this stuff is $38 USD. You've got to be kidding me. But, I was wrong. Don't knock it til you try it. The RMS Beauty Luminizers are the most beautiful thing to come out of Vancouver since Ryan Reynolds.* Natural beauty for everyone! Natural as in natural looking, and natural as in the ingredients aren't a million steps removed from it's origins as a thing that grew from the earth.
*Rose-Marie Swift, you may be based in New York, but I shall claim you and your inventions as our own.

I just love this brush. I want to share this brush with everyone. This is my everything brush. I love it for travel. I use one side for blush, the other side for highlighter, and the tippy tip for precision highlighting. It's a unique spade shaped brush that is just the most inventive, multi-purpose brush EVER. It's brilliant.
Lipstick goes on my lips and ends up everywhere else. After spending 10 minutes trying to get everything just right, 5 minutes later I look like a clown. It's on the backs of my hands, my forearms, my clothes, my dog. Everywhere. Matte liquid lips to me feels like the equivalent of putting liquid shrink-wrap on my face. I don't care how "hydrating" it claims to be. It's all lies! And then there's YSL Tatouage matte stain. Doesn't feel like anything at all and the wand makes it so easy to nail perfect lines. And when it fades, it fades evenly (but that won't even happen until you're a few hours in). Magic in a tube.

Speaking of magic - this setting spray! No more foundation smears when you hug someone. No need to reapply blush after kissing too many cheeks. This spray is my MVP for any and all special occasions.