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  • Writer's pictureKaren Lee

Confession: My ONS turned out to be something more...

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

A series where I explore the emotional relationship we have with our beauty products.

Okay, so those little dinky foil packet samples you get with your beauty purchase? You're supposed to take them home, use them, and then toss them. End of story. You part ways and never expect to cross paths again, because that is how it's happened every other time.

In fact, you now derive a strange joy of doing what only a Kardashian can afford to do, moisturizing your legs with Expensive Face Cream. (Albeit yours came from this sad piece of plastic that was folded into forths to squeeze everything out, and not the full-size product.)*

Sometimes you end up with a "type". Do you gravitate towards fragrance samples? Are you pulled in by the allure of a mask that will cover half your face? I always go for the shampoo.

See, the difference between buying a shampoo from Walmart and Fancy Shampoo, is that Fancy Shampoo is like a one shower experience. I save that sad little packet with its perforated line down the middle and legitimately look forward to washing my hair. Sometimes it's , "Ugh, my Head and Shoulders is better than this thank god I didn't pay 10x the money." And sometimes I revel using shampoo that smells "like yo daddy's got money" and look forward to the one day it comes back around as a sample.

But this one was different. It smelled like an expensive spa in Hawaii. It had a buttery texture that didn't feel heavy.

Come on, Karen, you know you're not supposed to fall into lust with something you only used once! And to spend that much on conditioner when I have a perfectly full bottle? (I forewent the shampoo because I figured that scent-wise the conditioner has the most impact).

But, here we are. I still look forward to my showers with my Playa conditioner. And I think I've come to the point where I accept that it's okay to indulge every once in while. And why not introduce something that sparks joy into a routine as mundane as washing your hair? We're solidly in the FWB stage now. If I purchase a replacement when this one is empty... we're gonna be treading into LTR territory and I'm not ready to think about that just yet.


*No, but for real I read somewhere that if Kim doesn't end up liking a face cream or whatever she got for free, she'll just use it up putting it all over her body.

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